Beginning in 2025 (this year) we will feature a designated vehicle each Saturday of Devils Run
"North America's Hottest Car Show". The designated vehicles will lead the "Parade of Vehicles" on Saturday and be allowed to park together in Ball Diamond #1 following the parade.
In 2025 (this year) it will be all years of Mustangs
In 2026 it will be all years of Mopars
In 2027 it will be Chevelles & Novas
In 2028 it will be Canadian entries, all makes and models
In 2029 it will be Corvettes and Camaros
In 2030 it will be Ford Thunderbirds, all years
In 2031 it will be Pre-’49 Street Rods and Restored Vehicles
In 2032 it will be all Years of Orphan Vehicles
In 2033 it will be all Years of Pickups/Trucks, all years and makes
In 2034 It will be all ‘55, ‘56 and ‘57 Vehicles, all makes
In 2035 it will be Volkswagens, all years
In 2036 it will be ‘58, ‘59 & ‘60 Vehicles, all makes
In 2037 it will be all Electric Vehices
Note: The list is TENTATIVE and subject to change.
© 2021 Devils Run Car Show